Monday, July 25, 2005

Sudan Benefit

Last Friday I went to a benefit concert at my old church for the crisis going on in Sudan. Derek Webb was the main act, and there were some local people opening who were quite good. I'd never listened to Derek Webb before, though I knew of him from Caedman's Call. Anywho, he was simply amazing. A great songwriter. The concert specifically benefited the International Rescue Committe and their work in Sudan. There was also a speaker from Darfur Peace and Development. All in all a good, fun, informative, and challenging evening. Three of my high school students went as well, and I think they were challenged to think about some globabl issues and situations that they just weren't aware of.

If you don't know what's going on in the Darfur region of Sudan, then you need to educate yourself.

I think the challenge to the Church is to actually stand up and be the Church in these situations. Here in america, I think the Church get's confused all too often as to what it's mission really is.

Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." ~Matthew 22:37-40

Who is your neighbor? It was said on Friday night that your neighbor is anyone in need, whom you have the means to help.

Since I'm on a Derek Webb kick after hearing him Friday night (both his songs and his words of challenge and conviction), I'll end with the lyrics to his song T-Shirts (What We Should Be Known For)

they'll know us by the t-shirts that we wear
they'll know us by the way we point and stare
at anyone whose sin looks worse than ours
who cannot hide the scars of this curse that we all bare

they’ll know us by our picket lines and signs
they’ll know us by the pride we hide behind
like anyone on earth is living right
and isn’t that why Jesus died
not to make us think we’re right

when love, love, love
is what we should be known for
love, love, love
it’s the how and it’s the why
we live and breathe and we die

they’ll know us by reasons we divide
and how we can’t seem to unify
because we’ve gotta sing songs a certain style
or we’ll walk right down that aisle
and just leave ‘em all behind

they’ll know us by the billboards that we make
just turning God’s words to cheap clichés
says “what part of murder don’t you understand?”
but we hate our fellow man
and point a finger at his grave

they'll know us by the t-shirts that we wear
they'll know us by the way we point and stare
telling ‘em their sins are worse than ours
thinking we can hide our scars
beneath these t-shirts that we wear


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